
Category: Herniated Discs

active Sep20th 2020

Why it’s Important to Get Active! Here are 5 Fun Activities for all Fitness Levels.

Getting active can be intimidating. With thousands of exercise programs out there, it’s hard to figure out which one is right for you. Fortunately, there are a few, fun, favorite fitness activities that rise to the top for everyone, whether they are just starting out or are long-time fitness enthusiasts. But before you dive into

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Opioid Consumption Feb20th 2020

Reduce Opioid Consumption and Feel Better with Physical Therapy

Do you take opioids to manage your pain? Well, you’re not alone. Health care providers in the US write over 200 million prescriptions for opioid pain medication every year. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has even issued guidelines about opioid consumption and urged safe non-drug alternatives, such as physical therapy. And a recent

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woman with headache Feb10th 2020

Treat Stress-Related Headaches with Physical Therapy. Find Out How it Works.

Got a busy life? Can’t find your keys? Did the dog just track in mud on the living room carpet? It’s these little things that add up and affect your ability to cope and can cause you to have stress-related headaches. The next time you have a stress-related headache, don’t reach for the aspirin. Give

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