
Category: Manual Therapy

Stretching Jan20th 2020

3 Reasons To Stretch After Exercising

Have you decided to skip stretching after exercise? After a good workout it may be tempting to just hit the couch and take it easy. Your workout, however, isn’t quite finished. A proper cool down is necessary and this would include different types of stretching. If you haven’t been stretching after a workout you may

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aches and pains Jan10th 2020

Always Suffering from Aches and Pains in Your Joints? 3 Reasons to Consider Rebound Physical Therapy!

There’s something oddly satisfying about waking up the morning after a hard workout and feeling an ache in your muscles. But when that ache migrates to your joints and seems to happen every day, that satisfaction quickly turns to frustration. The answer is not to take anti-inflammatory medication or simply ignore the aches and pains

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Feeling Achy Nov19th 2019

Do you Wake Up Feeling Achy? It Could be Your Mattress!

Do you notice that you often wake up in more pain than you felt when you were going to sleep? If you have been dealing with low back pain that seems to be much worse in the morning, your mattress might be the culprit! While back pain is a common enough ailment that most people

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